The image shows a close up of a house's roof featuring brown Atlas Designer shingles. The bottom right corner shows the top of a window and the roof's peak. The title of the blog is on the left side with the word "shingles" in a funky font. The license numbers are listed below.

Why TSpark Uses Atlas Designer Shingles

TSpark Enterprises is proud to use Atlas Designer Shingles Featuring Scotchgard™ Protector for our commercial and residential roofing jobs. Why do we choose Atlas Shingles, like numerous professional contractors nationwide, including Mike Holmes? They offer better protection, durability, and style than competitors’ shingles. Keep reading to learn why TSpark uses Atlas Designer Shingles!   Protection …

Three Drainage Solutions for a Flat Roof

A flat roof is desirable for many. It’s a unique and unconventional architectural design. It is even considered a stable and protective structure against environmental elements like wind and hail. However, flat roofs suffer from poor drainage! It can suffer from water accumulation because of the lack of incline, and therefore lack of forces of…