Roofing TipsSafetyThe image shows a roofer on a roof, leaning on a chimney, doing roofing work. The image is black and white with the text "Scary Roofing Facts" overlaying the image. The word "Scary" is yellow.

Working on roofs can be a dangerous job, especially if the proper safety protocols are not followed. TSpark Enterprises takes the safety of our employees and customers very seriously because roofing work can be scary sometimes. Roofers have to stay on their toes (not literally, as that would be dangerous) in case of surprise hazards like pests, animals, and more. Keep reading to learn some scary roofing facts!


Python on the Roof

It’s not uncommon to find animals or animal nests on roofs, but a group of neighbors in Detroit discovered an 18-foot python on their neighbor’s roof in 2019. Luckily, no one was hurt, and the snake’s owner returned to retrieve his pet. The snake had escaped her cage and climbed onto the roof for safety. 


Bats in the Shingles

In 2015, roofers stumbled upon a colony of bats living in the tiles of the roof they were replacing. With the help of a wildlife ecology company, they were able to get rid of the bats and keep them from returning. 


Electrical Safety Matters

Injuries related to electrical shock are among the top four construction hazards. Electrocutions can occur when roofers are working near power lines and when using power tools. TSpark takes electrical safety seriously to prevent injuries like this. 


Fall Prevention is Important

It might not come as a surprise, but falls are the most common injury roofers encounter. Falls account for three-fourths of all fatalities in the roofing industry. The safety of our employees is one of our priorities which is why TSpark roofers always wear safety harnesses and wet surfaces are avoided. 


Beware of Faulty Roofs

The one thing holding you back from selling your home could be your roof if it’s missing shingles, leaking, or has other visible signs of wear. These scary roofing facts only prove how dangerous roofing can be. Replacing your roof before selling your home can increase its value. Contact TSpark to get started with a roof inspection or replacement!


It is always rewarding to see how beautiful a new roof is, but it’s a risky job if not taken seriously. TSpark takes any and all potential hazards into consideration before and during roofing projects. Visit our website or contact us today for a free quote on your roofing project!


TSpark Enterprises, headquartered in Tallahassee, Florida, offers a wide range of roofing and construction services in the North Florida and South Georgia area. Visit our website or call (850) 766-1340 to get a free estimate and embark on your construction journey today!