UncategorizedRenovation Projects to Keep You Cool This Summer

Are you starting to break a sweat from walking from your front door to your car? That’s the Florida sun just getting started in preparation for the summer months. The sun doesn’t just make walking barefoot on the sand or sitting on your hot car seat unbearable. It can heat up your home too! That’s why we’re here to give homeowners our top 9 renovation ideas that are sure to keep your house cool to overcome this Florida heat. 


Lighter roof tiles: 

Lighter color roofs will reflect away heat rays, whereas darker color roofs will absorb the heat and transfer it to the rooms in your home. If your roof needs a replacement anyway, why not upgrade it to keep your home cool as well? 


Tinted windows: 


Tinted windows do a great job of keeping the car cool, so why wouldn’t they do the same for your home? They will keep those harsh sun rays out and you can enjoy the view of the outdoors without having to cover it with curtains. 


Installing insulation into your roof and the walls of your home will absorb any heat that would’ve entered the rooms inside. 


Ceramic floor tiles: 


Ceramic isn’t necessarily colder than carpet or other types of flooring, it’s just great at conducting heat which keeps it cool to the touch. 


Replace your light bulbs:


Your light bulbs are emitting extra heat into your home! Thankfully, this is a quick fix. You can replace your traditional incandescent light bulbs with LEDs or CFLs. 


Ceiling fans: 


This is a simple tip, but it’s effective. Installing a few ceiling fans can help your air conditioner and electric bill out this summer. 


Patio Canopy:


Spending time outdoors is always fun. But somehow, not so much when the sun is beaming in your face. If you love enjoying the outdoors on your patio, you would love it that much more with some shade. A patio canopy will keep those hot sun rays away. 


Kitchen Windows: 


The kitchen can become an intolerable place to be during the summer because of the hot oven and stove. If your kitchen begins to feel like a sauna when you cook, installing extra windows and keeping them open while your cooking can help some of that heat escape your home.   


Backyard Pool: 


Everyone loves a good summer pool party! Not just because you get to spend time with friends and family, but also because pool days feel so refreshing on a hot summer day. A backyard pool is sure to get its use here in Florida, especially during the summer. 


Need some help preparing for the summer? Our TSpark Enterprises construction experts specialize in all things home renovations. Call us today and we can help you conquer that bright Florida sunshine.