Commercial ConstructionGeneral ContractorResidential Constructioncommercial-residential-construction

When looking for a contractor, you always want to make sure their specialty fits for the project you need. You may notice various contractors specializing in residential and/or commercial construction as you browse through your options for contractors. What exactly does this mean and which one is the best fit for your project? There are four main differences between residential and commercial construction. Let’s find out what they are! 

1. Materials and Tools Used

The most noticeable difference between residential and commercial construction is the materials they use when building a house or stand-alone building. This should be the main factor that helps you decide whether to go with a residential or commercial contractor. The specialized contractor will be an expert with one material, but won’t be as skilled at building a foundation with other materials. With commercial construction, steel or concrete materials are typically used to create the frame and foundation of the building. Meanwhile, with residential development, the frames and foundation of the house are usually done with wood. Both of these construction methods also require different types of roofing and have different electricity requirements. 

2. Codes and Restrictions

Another distinguishing factor between residential and commercial construction is the regulations both contracting types contain. With commercial contracting, there are far more regulations and codes your contractor must adhere to when constructing your business’s building. These regulations depend on your city and state but typically include safety precautions such as access to a fire extinguisher, emergency exits, and fire sprinklers. Commercial contracting usually also requires the use of accessible entrances and accommodations for those who are disabled. On the other hand, residential construction, although it still has many building codes, does not have as many regulations that are required to live in the building.

3. Licensing

With a general license, the contractor is equipped in both specialties (residential and commercial). However, if you hire a contractor with a building contractor license, they are not allowed to give any renovations to your residential or commercial project and can only build up to 3 floors. Finally, with a residential contracting license, the contractors are only permitted to work on residential construction projects. They cannot work on commercial construction projects. When looking for the right contractor for the construction projects you need, it is always important to double-check your contractor’s license. The following licenses apply to contractors in Florida; however, you can find the licensing guidelines within your state online as well.

4. Costs and Contracts

Even with a similar project, the price can increase dramatically between a residential contractor and a commercial contractor. This is due to the materials used, regulations that need to be followed, the amount of labor required, and the timeline of the project. With commercial projects, there is typically a tighter timeline to get the building finished rather than a residential project. Due to this factor, commercial construction usually tends to be more costly. The billing process and contract can be far more extensive for a commercial contract rather than a residential contract. However, when deciding whether your project requires a residential contractor or a commercial contractor, the cost and billing should not be the first factor you use. The materials and codes that should be followed are far more important to keep your project safe.

With information on both residential and commercial construction, it is now possible to continue your search for the right contractor for your project. Keep in mind that their specialization is based on the knowledge of local regulations and materials used when deciding which contractor to go for. TSpark Enterprises has dedicated 13-years in the industry to master their practice and offer Tallahassee residents the most reliable renovations and commercial work backed by licenses and certifications. Give us a call at (850) 766-1340 to book a consultation today!




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