The image depicts a large house with light gray shingles. The view is angled above the home. The blog title is written across the bottom of the image.

Shingles featuring 3M Scotchgard™ Protector: A Lasting Difference

There are so many reasons why you should choose TSpark Enterprises for your commercial or residential roof replacement! One main reason is that TSpark exclusively uses Atlas Designer Shingles featuring 3M Scotchgard™ Protector, preserving your roof’s beauty. These shingles are highly durable and weather resistant, making them a popular choice for contractors nationwide. In fact,…

The image shows a close up of a house's roof featuring brown Atlas Designer shingles. The bottom right corner shows the top of a window and the roof's peak. The title of the blog is on the left side with the word "shingles" in a funky font. The license numbers are listed below.

Why TSpark Uses Atlas Designer Shingles

TSpark Enterprises is proud to use Atlas Designer Shingles Featuring Scotchgard™ Protector for our commercial and residential roofing jobs. Why do we choose Atlas Shingles, like numerous professional contractors nationwide, including Mike Holmes? They offer better protection, durability, and style than competitors’ shingles. Keep reading to learn why TSpark uses Atlas Designer Shingles!   Protection …

The image background shows a South Florida neighborhood that has been destroyed by a hurricane. You can see destroyed houses surrounding a body of water. The title is overlaying the left side of the image along with the license numbers. The bottom of the graphic is lined with a choppy yellow bar.

Updates: Hurricane-Focused Building Codes in Florida

Last fall, Hurricane Ian took the Florida coastline by storm (literally), devastating cities & structures throughout South Florida with 150mph winds and significant flooding. The projected economic damage of Hurricane Ian was estimated at $75 billion. Natural disasters like this require lawmakers to find ways to increase the safety of Florida residents. Keep reading to…